Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am

Posts by Nick Baetz

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Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good


Well, fall has arrived and the smell of pumpkin spiced lattés is already spreading. When I was a kid, I always dreaded fall because it meant the end of my summer vacation. But even though I dreaded going back to school, I had to admit there was always a little bit of excitement that came with the start of a new school year. It meant I got to see my friends again, unpackag...

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Our Eyes Are On You


What do you do when things go wrong? Who or what is your ‘go-to’? We face this question all the time because things often seem to go wrong. Your car breaks down at the worst possible time; you get sick when you can’t afford to get sick; someone who you thought was your friend is proving to not be so....

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