Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am

New Church Center Nursery Check-Ins


While this certainly represents a significant change from the paper-based processes we’ve used in the past, we’re excited about the new capabilities this gives us in the safety, security and administration of our child and youth ministries. 

It’s our hope that after a short period of adjustment this new registration and check-in system will make our already busy Sunday mornings easier and less stressful for parents and our ministry volunteers alike. 

If you’re the parent of a nursery-aged child, what does this new process look like? 

This two-minute video presented by a lounge singer should answer most of your questions: 

If you haven’t yet downloaded the app or aren’t sure where to begin, we’d strongly encourage to do so as soon as possible! This short clip will show you how to get started: 

Volunteers will be on hand to answer questions or address any technical issues as we take these next steps. 

If you have any questions, please contact Peter Robinson, Phil VanKlinken, Emily Robinson or any of our on-site volunteers this Sunday.