Ministry of Men can be defined as bringing men into meaningful relationship with God and developing them into fully devoted followers of Christ making a difference in the lives of those under their care, under their influence, and in their lives.
Vision Statement:
We believe that men are critically important to God's unfolding plan in our families, churches and communities. We believe that in order for our women and children to be blessed and our church mission to be fulfilled, God calls us to grow godly men of faith and action for His glory and purpose. Thus, our intention is to recognize the importance of men and encourage their ongoing, growing, commitment to God. We are convicted that a genuine, loving, godly man of faith means strong marriages, strong families, a strong church and a strong community.
Our goals are:
- To provide resources and tools to our men to equip them for our calling.
- To help our men understand Biblical manhood and apply their understanding in their relationships.
- To encourage each man to have a clear conscience before the Lord and before his family (purity).
- To encourage accountability and strong male friendships.
- To develop leadership training and skills in the home and the church.
- To help men attain knowledge of the scriptures and appreciate its relevance in their lives.
- To support the marriages of our men and equip them for continued, godly, relational growth.
- At the same time, to help our men, with their wives, clear up the past through repentance, forgiveness and understanding.
- To help and support parental relationships by providing resources and training.
Measuring Success:
- If we hear a wife say, "My husband is the most Christ-like person I know,"
- If we hear a wife or child say, "My husband (dad) has really changed for good,"
- If we see men taking on increased leadership roles in our church,
- If we see men growing in godliness,
- We will acknowledge that the Lord is blessing our endeavour.
Some Unique Needs of Men:
- Time management
- Confidence
- Authority and headship understanding (Biblical roles)
- Financial skills and wisdom
- Setting priorities
- Anger management
- Accountability
- Resolving conflicts
- Purity and sexual integrity
- Leadership development
- Communication skills
- Understanding women