Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am

EXALT - EXalting Christ And Learning Together is our adult Sunday School program – Sundays at 9:30am (concurrent with our child and youth Sunday School programs).

During the month of February at 9:30am every Sunday, the following two classes will be offered. We encourage all adults to attend:

Love Me Anyway

February is known for two things: Leap years and Valentine's Day. The world's idea about love, however, is much different from the biblical picture of love. There may be no more powerful desire than to love and be loved. In spite of what we’ve done, in spite of the ways we have failed again and again, we long for an unconditional love that we know we do not deserve. We want to be loved anyway.
In this class we will unpack 1 Corinthians 13—the love passage—to show us what real love looks like. We will see the love of the God who not only puts the desire for love into our very souls, but also fulfills those desires in striking and life-changing ways. We will look at ways to apply these principles in our relationships (and not just marriage relationships!), and see how to love the way God has loved us. 

Money and Possessions in Light of Eternity

Did you know Scripture references this topic more than almost any other? In fact, money and possessions are referenced over 2000 times between the Old and New Testament! Whose money and possessions are they, and what are they for? How are we to handle them? In this class we will look to God’s Word for answers to these questions and more.