Peoples Church of Sarnia-Lambton offers the following five giving methods:
1) Online Giving
Click on the 'Donate' button below. You can choose to make a one- time gift or a monthly gift using a number of credit card options and Paypal. This option does not accept Debit cards. All on-line gifts are administered by to ensure the security of your transaction. Donations using this option will be receipted according to the rules on the CanadaHelps website.
(You may need to disable any AdBlockers you may be using before proceeding to our Canada Helps donation page.)
Peoples Church strongly advises anyone using this option to consider this prayerfully. We as a Church do not want anyone to go into debt in order to support this ministry.
NOTE: All donations made through CanadaHelps, while 100% receiptable to you, subject the Church to credit card and admin fees of 3.5% - 3.75%.
A convenient monthly electronic banking service designed to make your support of Peoples Church more convenient. Your bank account will be debited on the 3rd and/or the 18th of each month with your pre-determined amount until you request us to stop. You may change the amount at any time in accordance with the PAD agreement. To initiate the PAD option, simply:
Complete and sign the Pre-Authorized Debit Form available here.
Attach your personal cheque marked “VOID”
Return the Form and your voided cheque in an envelope marked “Treasurer” to the Treasurer’s mailbox in the Church Foyer or drop it into one of the offering boxes
Please read the PAD Authorization Form carefully, as it is a legal document
Please note that the other Options are still available to you to use for additional donations.
3) Pre-numbered Envelopes
Pre-numbered envelopes are available from the Church office at any time. The office will record your required information in order to accurately receipt your donations for tax purposes. Envelopes may be used for cheque and cash donations.
4) Interac E-Transfers
You can also give by Interac direct transfer to our church bank account. In
your Interac transfer on your personal account, set up Peoples Church and
this email
PS: Don't forget to tell us who the funds are from so we can properly receipt them!
5) Pew Envelopes
Pew Envelopes are available for anyone to use to make one-time donations to the Church. Donations will be receipted if you ensure your name and address are on the envelope.
NOTE: All donations made with options 2, 3, 4 & 5 will have tax receipts issued annually in January for donations made during the prior calendar year.
ABOUT Designated Funds
Funds can be designated only to Elder Board approved Funds and Projects. As designations are made to these Funds they become “Restricted Contributions”, to be used only for the designated Fund (except the General Fund).
Spending of money is confined to these Funds and Projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an Elder Board approved Fund or Project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a Fund or Project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Elder Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such Fund or Project will be used where needed most.
We take the confidentiality of your contributions to Peoples Church seriously.
Only the Treasurer and the Finance Steward can access your contributions records.
Thank you for your financial support of the Lord’s work at Peoples Church of Sarnia-Lambton!
PCSL – GO (03-20-OL)