Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am


This is where we share information about our women's minsitry: Bible studies, events, and newsletters

Bible Studies

Most, or maybe all, of us struggle with spiritually unhealthy patterns in our lives or perhaps with an addiction of some sort. We are so easily lured and hooked by 'stuff', or our phones, or self-image, or food, or alcohol, or books, or work, or... Which leads to us wasting our days, lonely, in a meaningless haze of unfulfilling activities.

We invite you to join us in a different sort of pattern and addiction - to the joy of the Holy Spirit opening the truths of God's Word to us as we study it together. 

During the school year, Tuesday is "Bible study day" at Peoples Church. Let's make that our first new pattern! Secondly, let's replace some of that wasted time each day with reading and studying and thinking and praying about that week's Bible passage. Doing Bible study together offers an ongoing and practical way to build relationships within a community of believers who learn from each other and hold each other accountable. 

We are praying that each woman at Peoples Church will consider joining us in Bible study, and that the Lord will transform us together into a people addicted to His Word.  

Our Winter 2025 studies will look a little different than usual. Instead of a Tuesday morning and an evening study group at the church, we will have multiple smaller in-home groups meeting on various days at various times. Each group will be reading through and discussing the book, Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes. 

Groups will meet just five times from the week of January 6 through the first week of March 2025, meeting every other week. We trust that this is a doable schedule for busy women and that these smaller groups will foster meaningful connection.

To sign up, please add your name to the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Centre or contact the church office.


Women's Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is available at this link.


Bible Study Books

There are quite a few books available at the church left over from previous women’s studies.  These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and all books are being made available at a reduced price of $10 each.  Some of the books come with a DVD that you may borrow.  Here are the options: 

  • Be Rich: Ephesians by Warren Wiersbe 
  • Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George
  • Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wohlgemuth 
  • True Woman 101: Divine Design
  • True Woman 201: Interior Design – DVD available 
  • The Bible in 90 Days – This is not a study but a Bible arranged to help you read through the whole Bible in 90 days. It’s a worthwhile challenge, and it can be done!

RightNow Media

All of you have free access to RightNow Media if you wish, and they offer many great studies.  If you need a new invitation for RightNow Media, contact the church office to get set up. Here are some that we recommend for you.   

  • The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler. This marriage study on the Song of Solomon is 12 weeks long and is for married folks as well as the not-yet-married. 
  • How to Read Your Bible is a 6-session study, giving an overview of the Bible, the different types of books, etc., and teaches you how to intuitively study and apply the Word of God.  Moms might want to consider doing this one with their tween and teen daughters.

  • Get Out of Your Head is a study in Philippians by Jennie Allen and focuses on not letting our thoughts hold us captive, but controlling our thoughts and minds. Six sessions.

  • Psalm 23 by Matt Chandler is a six session walk through this Psalm, and free downloadable handouts are included.

 Email the church office or call 519-845-3386 if you have any questions.