Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am


Nursery care is provided for newborns through 36 months of age during our Sunday School and Worship Service times.  Staffed by a team of trained and committed volunteers, the nursery is located just off the front foyer across from the Worship Hall and Main Office.

Junior Sunday School

We offer Sunday school classes for children ages 3 and up with four different groups at this time. There is a class for the 3-year-olds, the 4/5-year-olds, grades 1-3, and grades 4-6. Signs are posted by the downstairs classrooms to help you navigate.

Students in grades 7-12 meet together in the Youth room.

Junior Church

Children ages 3 through Grade 2 are invited to sit with their families for the first part of our Worship Services.  Just before the sermon begins, they'll be called to the front for prayer before being sent to their own classes with lessons and activities geared to their age group.