Introducing Online Giving

Did you know Peoples Church offers four easy giving methods? Online giving is now one of them!...
Keep ReadingDuring AWANA your child will be challenged from the Bible with an emphasis on Scripture memory. AWANA enables your children to get to know other Christian kids, with whom they can build lasting friendships. It is our desire as AWANA leaders to help parents teach their children biblical principles, which will enable them grow in Christ....
Parents please take note that the two weeks are age-specific when completing your registrations....
The season will again be held at the Camlachie Diamonds on Tuesday evenings from May 9 -August 29 and the cost of $60/person....
Registration can be made on the Church Center app (the two weeks are age-specific so please take note when making your selections)...
Our AWANA Snow Camp for kids ages 8-12 is coming up on February 10-12, 2023, with a registration deadline of Wednesday, February 1st...
Looking for a new challenge in your personal studies this year? Check out these titles on RightNow Media!...
Studies will begin the week of January 16, 2023 with several choices being offered. Whether you're new to Peoples or have attended for years, participating in a Bible study can be a great way to get to know others and build friendships as we delight in God’s Word....
If severe weather or poor road conditions impact our programs or services, be sure to check the following for cancellation news:...
Are you new to Peoples Church, or has your contact info changed recently? If so, we want to hear from you! ...
Does God exist? How can anyone believe in religion when science has neither a need nor a place for God? Is evolution happening today? If God is a God of love, why do we suffer and die?...
The roll-out of the Church Center App takes its next big step forward this week as we begin using it for Nursery registrations and check-ins. ...
After just a few simple steps, you'll be breezing through our new church app like a pro!...
These are troubling times—the possibility of war looms on the horizon—and the recent passing of the Emergency Act, and Bill C-4 in Canada not long ago, remind us that the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world (John 18:36). A few moments of reflection reveal how much our nation deserves the judgement and condemnation of God, and the fact that God hasn’t yet removed us speaks to His long-suffering patience that will surely come to an end, if it hasn’t already....
The Bible teaches the importance of baptism for those who are disciples of Christ. Believer's baptism (by immersion) represents the believer dying with Christ and being raised with Him. It is a public statement of the believer's personal commitment to Christ and identifies the believer as a part of the family of God....
Well, fall has arrived and the smell of pumpkin spiced lattés is already spreading. When I was a kid, I always dreaded fall because it meant the end of my summer vacation. But even though I dreaded going back to school, I had to admit there was always a little bit of excitement that came with the start of a new school year. It meant I got to see my friends again, unpackage my new pens and try on my new school shoes....
In Psalm 34, David appears to be full of joy and gladness as he calls out to the Lord singing: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears” (Ps 34:1-4)....
When Jesus went to the cross, one of His main responsibilities was to let His disciples know that though He would be leaving, they would not be left on their own. ...
An extract from a letter of the 2nd or 3rd century which gives a moving account of the distinctive qualities of the Christian life....
It has been said that, 'you don't learn anything the second time you're kicked by a mule!' That is to say, there is no learning some people. ...
I am getting tired of Ninja tears. Who knew how deadly they can be? My wife and I watch American Ninja Warriors and it’s getting to be a bit much. I don’t tend to watch athletes to engage my sentimental emotional side but feats of strength with a side dish of cathartic sentimentality is all the rage. ...
In our global Covid-19 emergency, the suggestion that it could be a ‘judgement of God’ scandalizes the pundits, politicians and population. They can’t see anything worthy of judgement, nor can they imagine that God would have any emotion other than ‘love’. Our own country demands the love of God, and anything else will not be tolerated....
Did you know Peoples Church offers four easy giving methods? Online giving is now one of them!...
What do you do when things go wrong? Who or what is your ‘go-to’? We face this question all the time because things often seem to go wrong. Your car breaks down at the worst possible time; you get sick when you can’t afford to get sick; someone who you thought was your friend is proving to not be so....
Did you know Peoples Church offers four easy giving methods? Online giving is now one of them!...
Keep ReadingWhat do you do when things go wrong? Who or what is your ‘go-to’? We face this question all the time because things often seem to go wrong. Your car breaks down at the worst possible time; you get sick when you can’t afford to get sick; someone who you thought was your friend is proving to not be so....
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