Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am

Worship & Communion Service

Event-WorshipCommunion image

Every first Sunday of every month

10:30am – 11:45am

Location: 3888 London Line, Plympton-Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0

Category: Services

Hello and Welcome!

A typical worship service here at Peoples Church will include:

• A call to worship, which is call to focus our minds, hearts and intentions on the worship of God.

• Worship through the singing of songs and hymns (old and new.)  The songs we sing are a blend of singing about God, to God, and in response to God – both corporately and as individuals.

• Worship through corporate (congregational) prayer

• Worship through the public reading of scripture

• Worship through the proclamation of God’s Word (sermon)

For detailed information of our understanding of corporate worship, please click here.

Nursery care is available for children aged newborn through 36 months.

Midway through the service (just before the sermon) children age 3 thru Grade 2 are dismissed to their own Junior Church program with lessons and activities geared towards their age group.

For detailed information on our Nursery and Junior Church ministires, please click here. 


This service includes a time of Communion in which we remember Christ's suffering and atonement for our sins in a tangible way by partaking of the elements;

The Bread - representing Christ's body, broken for us, and

The Cup - representing Christ's blood, shed for us

Peoples Church practices Open Communion, meaning that participation in the elements (bread & cup) is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

Communion is usually celebrated at Peoples Church on the first Sunday of each month.

A gluten-free bread option is available.

More Events

February 9, 2025 10:30am – 11:40am
Sunday Worship Service