Sunday School for All ages at 9:30am • Sunday Worship at 10:30 am


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Epistle to Diognetus


An extract from a letter of the 2nd or 3rd century which gives a moving account of the distinctive qualities of the Christian life....

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The Conceit of Hope


It has been said that, 'you don't learn anything the second time you're kicked by a mule!' That is to say, there is no learning some people. ...

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The Wailing of Warriors


I am getting tired of Ninja tears. Who knew how deadly they can be? My wife and I watch American Ninja Warriors and it’s getting to be a bit much. I don’t tend to watch athletes to engage my sentimental emotional side but feats of strength with a side dish of cathartic sentimentality is all the rage. ...

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Sola Cultura


In our global Covid-19 emergency, the suggestion that it could be a ‘judgement of God’ scandalizes the pundits, politicians and population. They can’t see anything worthy of judgement, nor can they imagine that God would have any emotion other than ‘love’. Our own country demands the love of God, and anything else will not be tolerated....

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Introducing Online Giving


Did you know Peoples Church offers four easy giving methods? Online giving is now one of them!...

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Our Eyes Are On You


What do you do when things go wrong? Who or what is your ‘go-to’? We face this question all the time because things often seem to go wrong. Your car breaks down at the worst possible time; you get sick when you can’t afford to get sick; someone who you thought was your friend is proving to not be so....

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